Hugo Wolf: Kennst du das Land?


Die Bekehrte (Goethe)

From Hugo Wolf: Kennst du das Land? (2016)

Released by Harmonia Mundi

Wolf: Die Bekehrte (Goethe)

Goethe . . . Eichendorff . . . Mörike . . . These names resound in the ears of all who love German Romantic literature and are familiar with its transposition into the world of the lied. While Schubert often mined an unexpected vein of poetry in lesser authors, his distant successor Hugo Wolf drank at the source of these giants. In each of the songs heard here, miniature dramas of incredible intensity, every word is a gem set within a sophisticated, yet never artificial diadem. Wolf is not satisfied with merely setting the verse to music: he embodies and transcends it, awakening its subtlest sonorities and significations.

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